Habema's Smart Papua Welcomed Happily By Students Of Susumuk Elementary School

    Habema's Smart Papua Welcomed Happily By Students Of Susumuk Elementary School

    PAPUA - One of the military units under the command of the Indonesian Armed Forces Operational Command HABEMA, the Task Forces of the Para Raider Infantry Battalion 501/Bajra Yudha Kostrad, is currently conducting mobile security at the border of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, especially in Maybrat Regency, Papua Barat Daya Province. On Thursday, 12 September 2024.

    The 501 Task Forces, especially the Kotis Susumuk Post led by Lieutenant Colonel Yakhya Wisnu Arianto, conducted a Territorial activity entitled "Smart Papua" at an Elementary School, SD YPG Susumuk. The Soldiers implemented the activity by delivering additional lessons in the form of arithmetic subjects for grade 2 students of the school.

    Underlining the Soldiers' role, LtCol Yakhya underscored the importance of the Task Forces’ focus on the community's fundamental needs around the Post. Therefore, the Soldiers of Susumuk Post implemented the result of Social Communication with the Principal and the SD YPG Susumuk teachers regarding the Smart Papua activity plan. After discussion, the Principal provided the activity time on Thursday (12/9) to deliver the additional lesson.

    During the lesson, the Soldiers taught with great patience and expressed their gratitude for the students' enthusiasm. The students responded happily to the "Papua Pintar" activity initiated by the Soldiers. After the lesson, one of them, Ham Murib, said, "Thank you, Commander 501. I understand how to count. God bless you."

    "The initiative of Satgas Yonif 501 Kostrad in collaboration with the School in Susumuk to carry out the teaching of additional learning materials is a form of inclusive social communication of the TNI with all levels of society to support the acceleration of development in the Papua region", said the Commander of HABEMA, Brigadier General Lucky Avianto, after receiving the report on the implementation of the activity.

    Upon receiving the activity report, the HABEMA Commanding General, Brigadier General Lucky Avianto, commended the 501 Task Forces’ initiative to hold the “Smart Papua” activity at the SD YPG Susumuk. His words: "The 501 Task Forces' initiative is a testament to TNI's commitment to conduct inclusive Social Communication to support the acceleration of development in the Papua region." This recognition from the highest authority in HABEMA is not just a commendation but a testament to the significant impact of such initiatives on the region's development. It instills profound hope and optimism about their potential to positively shape the region's future. It makes the Task Forces and the community feel recognized, valued, and respected for their efforts. It gives everyone a sense of hope and optimism about the region's future development.


    Dansatgas Media HABEMA, Letkol Arh Yogi Nugroho

    Jurnalis Agung

    Jurnalis Agung

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